Three emerging trends shaping intralogistics

Curious about how the industry will evolve in the coming years? After 35 years of optimising warehouse performance, we have a vast experience and understanding of what will stick, and what is just a fad.

In the last two years, we have seen immense growth and changes within intralogistics. In addition to new technology and innovative last-mile distribution, we also see customer expectations changing. They want and expect a faster and more reliable order fulfilment, and they want it now.

To stay competitive, you need to understand the emerging trends in the industry.

That is why we have made this whitepaper. In it, we look at the three most significant trends within intralogistics and order fulfilment. We believe that these trends will play an essential role in how the industry evolves in the coming years.

Reading this whitepaper, you will learn about:

  • eGrocery and what customers expect regarding delivery time and flexibility.
  • Micro fulfilment centres and innovative ways to shorten the last-mile delivery time.
  • Whether Automation as a Service, AaaS, will be the solution to automating warehouses without large, initial investments.

The whitepaper is free and available in English.

Sustainable Intralogistics and Automation – Is it Even Possible?

We asked our sustainability expert. Download our whitepaper to learn more.

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Unlock your warehouse’s full potential with AI

In this whitepaper, we share insights on what it takes to succeed with automated workflows and how humans and robots can work together to achieve productivity and growth.

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Data utilization: The next level of warehouse automation

To grow and stay competitive, you need to predict what's next and react in real time. To achieve this, you must start utilizing your warehouse's hidden data.

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